Saturday, June 29, 2024

Stupid Ubuntu thing

So I wanted to install Lubuntu as guest but it turns out there is no ARM version of Lubuntu. 

There is no ARM Ubuntu desktop either, only ARM Ubuntu Server.

So I install ARM Ubuntu Server and then install the desktop environments on it.

Now it gets stuck at boot because of this:

As a result there are two wait services: NetworkManager-wait-online.service and systemd-networkd-wait-online.service. If you have the wrong one enabled (or as in my case, both enabled), then the service will timeout.

So I have to disable one of them in order for it to boot properly.

Very annoying.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

LXDE guest doesn't have auto-resize, LXQT guest does

So I just installed Debian guest virtual machine with LXDE and I also installed Lubuntu and I noticed that when I resize the VM window, the Lubuntu guest automatically changes display resolution to match the resized window, whereas the LXDE Debian guest does not - it simply scales the display causing the text to become blurry.

I noticed that when I resized the display in Lubuntu, some LXQT dialogue box popped up mentioning lxqt-config-monitor

That's when I realized that Lubuntu doesn't use LXDE anymore but instead uses LXQT which is newer and more modern and intended as a replacement for LXDE. 

So I reinstalled Debian guest and picked LXQT instead of LXDE and this time the guest automatically changes the display resolution when I resize the VM window.

Anyway this was just a thing that annoyed me.