Sunday, March 24, 2024

GOD DAMMIT my ISP doesn't support IPv6 😡😡😡

UPDATE: I contacted my ISP and managed to get them to give me IPv6. I can only pray that the IPv6 will continue to work in the future. It is actually kind of crazy that I had to contact them and go through the silly dance of "restart your router" "okay I did that, I still don't have IPv6" in order for them to actually fix their network so that IPv6 works for me. I think every ISP should provide working IPv6 out of the box.



I can't ping and my score on is 0/10

All the VPS vendors support IPV4 now...why doesn't my ISP support's unacceptable...There really ought to be some kind of government mandate that requires all ISPs to provide full IPv6 support.

I want to use one of those cheap IPv6-only VPSes, dammit! 😡😡😡

EDIT: Okay, I guess I'll use a he tunnel

EDIT: My router blocks ping so I can't even create a tunnel, god dammit. I can't use my VPS as the endpoint either, it says "This network is restricted"

EDIT: Okay, so I set up the he tunnel on one of my VPSes, now I can finally ping from that VPS but I get 2% packet loss when doing so. Note that I get 0% packet loss when I ping -4 from that VPS so I'm pretty sure it's caused by using the he tunnel...😭😭😭😭😭😭

Ping stats:

--- ping statistics ---
5600 packets transmitted, 5506 received, 1.67857% packet loss, time 5608718ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 216.176/256.840/278.688/11.551 ms

---  ping statistics ---
5613 packets transmitted, 5611 received, 0.0356316% packet loss, time 5623708ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 10.223/10.337/25.901/0.226 ms

Maybe I am using the wrong he tunnel.

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