Thursday, February 22, 2024

Don't run RHEL on e2-micro

So I wanted to install nano on my e2-micro instance but every time I try to do so it just hangs the entire system.

Turns out dnf uses so much memory that it crashes the system.

I created a 2GB swapfile and then tried dnf install nano again and it seemed like it got stuck again...but this time I waited a few minutes and then nano was installed.

Running dnf install was fast for the first 20 or so items, then it got stuck on google cloud cli for like 20 minutes then I got impatient and just killed it.

Seems like running RHEL-based systems on a GCP e2-micro is just not practical.

EDIT: I used "balanced persistent" storage for this which cost me money. To get free tier you need "standard persistent" which might have worse performance.

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